pens" is solo project by Hisayuki. Composing,lyric,play(Guitars,Bass,Vocal),
Keyboards, Strings, Drums, Percussion, Sound effects) and mixing are created
by himself. His music which has elements of Alternative, Orchestral and
Electronica is melancholy and beautiful as like old European movies. It's
composed by the harmony between audio he play and sensitive electronic
sound. These tunes have very interesting talent, efficacy composition
with music theory, such as irregular meter and modulation. The sounds
would make listeners evoke some landscapes. Sounds of "feltip pens"
have strong ties with visual. That may be connected with movies he's ever
seen, stories he's ever read or his own life. The theme he deals with
are society, environment, life, death, inequality and love. His emotions
is always expressed by music. In 2005, he took part in the exhibition
of a photographer "Reishi
Eguma" and a painting artist "Takashi
Kondo" in Tokyo as a sound creator. And then, they created the
art work for feltip pens' new album "Slowmomentary".
A music label "Poison
Tree Records" in the U.S. who listened it offered him contract
to release it to the world. And people in the world who love music praised
the album a great deal. 2 years after then, at last he finished creating
new album"All
Things Are One". It contains 12 amazing scenes imaged by music.
You would travel all over the world. Have a great trip! <Japanese>
feltip pensはHisayukiによるソロ・プロジェクトです。作曲、作詞、演奏(Guitars,Bass,Vocal)、プログラミング(Piano,
Keyboards, Strings, Drums, Percussion, Sound effects) 、そしてミックスまでをひとりで手がけています。オルタナティブ、オーケストラル、エレクトロニックの要素を持つ彼の音楽は、古いヨーロッパ映画のようにとても美しくメランコリックです。彼が演奏する生音と繊細なエレクトロニックサウンドが見事に調和されています。それらの楽曲には、とても興味深いアイデアと変拍子や転調などの音楽理論が効果的に活かされています。そのサウンドは聴く者に何らかの情景を思い起こさせるでしょう。feltip
Tree Records"は、世界に向けてのリリースを彼に提案、世界中の音楽ファンから賞賛を得ました。それから2年が経ち、ついに新作”All
Things Are One"が完成。12曲による各々のシーンが詰め込まれています。まるで世界を旅しているかのように...。